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Posts posted by Simon

  1. This should work fine, I have seen it done many times.

    You could use either a static IP or dynamic DNS. The latter depends on the support offered by the 3G modem.

    You also need to set up port forwarding in the modem, 20256 and 20257 are the default ports for Remote Operator and other Unitronics software tools.

    Since remote operator allows you to use a domain name the a dynamic DNS would be a seamless solution.

    On the other hand, if Static IP is possible and not too costly, it frees you up from dependence on 3rd party dynamic DNS services.

  2. Hi,

    Probably a simple answer to my question. I am using a v130 and i and trying to link a data table to be displayed on my HMI. watched webinars, read all HMI help manuals, and found nothing to help me with this. I have all displays set up but not sure how to pull from the DT. Any help or suggestions on where to find this info would be much appreciated.

    Hi Bill,

    See example attached, it is for a V570 and has some extra stuff in it, but the main point is to provide a link between the HMI screens and a data table. I hope it helps.

    Recipe to DT example.vlp

  3. Strictly speaking, energy is the integral of power with respect to time. This is approximated by measuring the average power over a time interval and multipying that average power by the time interval over which it was measured.

    The first question to ask is what time interval do you want to use? Or, how fast do you want the energy to be updated?

    The simplest setup (IMHO) would be to make the energy calulation every second, based on 10 power readings, taken every 100ms.

    You can perform the energy calcuation each second using SB13 as a trigger.

    You can calculate average power over each second for 10 readings using the Filter FB, set for Dynamic Average, length of 10, zero discard values and triggering it with SB15.

    Then add the results for each energy calcuation to get your cumulative result.

    Longer timeframes could be implemented using the counters and/or timers in the V570.

    This is a very basic discussion. Since the energy is being integrated over time, any small errors in each calcuation will also accumulate over time. You should test your method thoroughly and if possible compare with measurements from external instruments. How far you go with the test and verification would be determined by the final accuracy required in your system.

    You will probably also experience some head-scratching over the size of numbers you encounter when trying to scale the values to engineering units. Deinfitely start out with ML values, they should give you the dynamic range you need but there are also a limited number of Floats if required.

  4. I am not exactly sure what that setting does, so I would also be interested to know.

    However I am fairly sure it does not mean you could run the PLC directly as a VNC server.

    This setting suggests you could have a PC running Remote Operator that would be the VNC server. You could then connect to that PC from a VNC viewer (Smartphone, etc) and control the PLC via the VNC server PC. If you ran Remote Operator in full-screen mode on the server PC, then your smartphone screen should look almost like you are connected directly to the PLC.

    The best option would be to run such a setup and see what the options do. However I am sure any comments from the Creators would be valuable also.

  5. This is a fundamental methematical relationship, so there are two ways out as far as I see it:

    1. Increase the number of targets on the shaft that generate pulses. This best if you need to track fast changes in speed.

    2. Increase the time interval for generating the frequency. This is going to give you a slower update rate. You could try averaging 10 or 20 of the values that the current configuration gives you, which are determined over a period of 1 second. Alternatively you could use the raw counter value and a timer in ladder to measure say 10 seconds and see how much the count has increased over that time.

    I hope this helps.

  6. I would definitely follow the advice of the dialog box and email the problem file to support, as the first step.

    While you are waiting for a response you can try deleting the net, then do a "build all" and downloading. Then try adding the net back in and do "build all" again.

    Do you have a recent copy of the program from before the problem?

    Did Visilogic crash while you had the SMS send block open for editing?

  7. Along with Joe's post, the main use of the 3rd (or 4th) wires is to compensate for wire resistance. I suppose it could also eliminate noise if the noise was affecting the main sensor wires as well as the compensation wire, so the noise was then cancelled out.

    If you only have a 2-wire probe and the interface expects 3 or 4 wires, you can trick the interface by bridging the compensation terminal to one of the RTD terminals locally at the interface. This of course defeats the purpose of compensation, but at least allows the interface to operate. If the resulting accuracy is sufficient for the application, then you have achieved your purpose. Take a close look at the Unitronics wiring diagrams when doing this, as wiring errors are a common reason for non-functioning RTDs.

  8. OK, I kind of thought that might be the case. We still use it a bit since it is simpler than GPRS. We have seen discount SIM card providers not offering dial-up data services, but the mainstream telcos seem to be still supporting it.

  9. Non-editable values are created by not checking the "Keypad Entry" box. It is usually un-checked by default. It would be a manual process, create two displays with the same layout with the same values. On one display set up the variables with "Keypad Entry" checked, and on the other display leave the values with "Keypad Entry" un-checked.

  10. Hi,

    Is there no Modem Services or support for Dial-up modem connections in Remote Operator? I just assumed this would be available, but when I went looking for it, I can't find it. Searching the term "modem" in the help file gives zero results. Can anyone help, either to tell me where to look, or on ways to handle modems with Remote Operator?

  11. The ability to print from a Unitronics PLC has been around for a while, using the Protocol FB tools. However it has generally depended on using a serial line printer.

    At times customers ask for full A4 (similar size to US letter), page-style printouts. Examples include shift reports and batch reports.

    It recently occurred to me that there must be a way to send simple print information to a office style laser printer - and there is, called PCL.

    The easiest way would seem to be fitting an ethernet card to the PLC and use a network printer. Possibly it may also work if there is such a beast as a laser printer with RS232 input (I did see some on a google search but they were 2-3 times the price of a basic ethernet printer).

    PCL itself is a binary ASCII protocol, so it looks quite simple to send using the Protocol TCP/IP function blocks, for printing plain text. I plan to work on this should the need arise.

    It would be a nice "wow" factor to have this built in to the PLC as dedicated PCL function blocks, maybe even to the extent of printing out a trend graph or even small images (company logos, etc).

    Has anyone else come across this request or requirement for full-page printouts?

  12. Hi Keith, the posts looked different enough to warrant moderating them both. I think you have a certain amount of freedom to combine/edit/delete the duplicate information if you wish.

    If you want anything tidies up that you don't have access to, send me an email.

  13. Also be aware that the JZ-PRG programming adaptor requires a "full" serial port on the connected device so it can scavenge power from the handshake lines. If the nature of the port on the SunX device is uncertain, have a JZ-RS4 on hand as it overcomes the limitations of the JZ-PRG, when used in RS232 mode.

  14. You are on the right track. The details may just take some working through.

    I would point you in the direction of two features:

    • Data tables - allows you to log data for later reveiw. Data logged can be in a mix of formats (bit, byte, integer, long, etc). It can be read back from within the ladder program or also extracted in human-readable form.
      Example: C:\Program Files\Unitronics\Unitronics VisiLogic_C\Examples\Version 900\Project examples\Data Table\V120_Data_log_with_time_stamp.vlp
    • Events Function Block - allows you to track more than one alarm event and deal with them individually.
      Example: C:\Program Files\Unitronics\Unitronics VisiLogic_C\Examples\Version 900\Project examples\Events\V120_Alarms_display_and_log.vlp

    The above examples can be found in your Visilogic installation unde the Help menu, Examples sub-menu. Or you can find them directly on your C drive using the above paths (which may be slightly different if you are not using Visilogic Version 9).

    I hope this helps.

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