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Marco G

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  1. Hey, no problem. i'm going to trie to create some MB's where the alarms can be stored into and then read those using readoperands like with the datatable.
  2. I know that they are pretty much the same, but i want to implement a function to check for alarms in a existing vb.net project, and therefore i cant directly copy-paste
  3. Hey, I can't seem to get it copied to .net. I will keep working at it but the example is quite big, so converting it al to .net costs quite some time.. Is it also possible to save the alarms to a datatable? because i think it is possible to read a unitronics datatable in .net.
  4. Thanks, just downloaded the Lite version, it can't be opened in vb 2010 express but wil try opening it with my version of Studio 2013. I found some code somewhere else, but that version of card explorer lite has been written in C. Also, i couldn't find the dll in there, which is included in the .net version(SdcardExplorer.lite.dll)
  5. Yeey, that part works. Just curious btw, is there a .net version of the SD card Explorer example?
  6. Hey, The example posted above is a C# example isn't it? I was wondering if there's also a .net example somewhere.
  7. Edit: Whoohoo, got it; at least for inserting 1 row at the time, now i will figure out how to insert multiple rows. I do already have some ideas of how to do that.
  8. Hmm, i cleared the MI needed(in my case i want to use MI150) but i still get the error. The datatable should be completely empty, it says 0 at all the INT columns and the string column is blank so i should have 250 empty rows in the datatable.
  9. Ah right. Thought so. Thanks, i will ask a collegue about the MI part.
  10. Hey, Thanks. I think there a error though. Dim rw() As ReadWriteRequest = New ReadWriteRequest((1) - 1) {} Dim Read As WriteOperands = New ReadOperands() rw(0) = Read With Read It says writeoperand AND readoperand so that gives a error. When i change the readoperand to writeoperand i get the ComDriveException "Values cannot be Null in a Write Operands request" And if i switch it all to read: "'index' must be non-negative and less than the number of rows in table. I checked the fields, removed fields and tested some things but the fields do have a value(default value = 0, but it also doesnt work if i enter a value like 24) I suspect that the error comes from the PLC. I havn't figured out how to program the plc to make it store the newest empty row in a MI, i think i will ask a collegue for help. Parameternaam: index "
  11. Ah right. That makes sense. Sorry, completely new to using operands and PLC's in general, just fresh out of college(well not even, learning a second degree in Business IT on the side)
  12. Hey, I adjusted the code(see below) Right now, it compiles without error but it gives the error: "The number of Operands to read cannot be less than 1" on rw(0) = New ReadOperands plc.ReadWrite(rw) The complete code: Dim rw() As ReadWriteRequest = New ReadWriteRequest((1) - 1) {} rw(0) = New ReadOperands plc.ReadWrite(rw) Dim startRowIndex = Convert.ToInt16(CType(CType(rw(0), ReadOperands).ResponseValues, Object())(0)) table.Rows(startRowIndex).Cells(3).Fields(0).Value = DateTimePicker1.Text 'datum en tijd table.Rows(startRowIndex).Cells(2).Fields(0).Value = lblvoerbaknr.Text table.Rows(startRowIndex).Cells(0).Fields(0).Value = lblVoerzend.Text table.Rows(startRowIndex).Cells(1).Fields(0).Value = lblzendgewicht.Text ' Now you increment startRowIndex by the number of rows you intend to write (in this example, only 1 row): startRowIndex = (startRowIndex + 1) ' Now you write the table (You can also use Update, which will only update the cells that you have altered) table.Write() ' or table.Update() ' Now we need to update the value of MI100 in the PLC. '30-1-15 ANDERS dan bron! aangepast naar .net en code lichtelijk veranderd! Broncode: Dim Write As WriteOperands = New WriteOperands() rw(0) = Write With Write .NumberOfOperands = 1 .OperandType = OperandTypes.MI .StartAddress = 100 .NumberOfOperands = 1 .Values = New Object() {startRowIndex} End With plc.ReadWrite(rw)
  13. Aah, so i do have to do something with read and writeoperands. I read about it in the PLC .net documentation but thought it was for writing directly to the application. Thanks. I will convert it to .net and see if it works.
  14. Okay... and how can i do that? I thought i already got the pc part working and just needed to change some things in the ladder to make it working like i wanted. Row 0 doesnt have to be renewed, all it has to do is add a extra entry to the plc datatable every time i send 1(or multiple) rows to the plc.
  15. Hello, If i understand you correctly, i have to keep the pc software the same ( table.rows(0).cells(0).fields(0)) and write the ladder in such a way that when it sees that i want to add a entry to the table, it automatically writes it to a new line? Cool. thought it was just me because i couldn't find a solution in vb.net.
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