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Daniel_EWW last won the day on July 29 2020

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  1. Currently the data table for the analog values has 121 rows. The data table contains the current values of the sensor data and settings (e.g. linearization and threshold for process and alarm triggering). We use data tables for all digital and analogue values to be independent of the hardware I/O address. The configuration of the facility setup is done in this data table. Typically our facilities only have about 30 analogue sensors out of the option pool from 121. “Aktiv” = Active just means that the sensor is relevant for this facility. So we read – manipulate – and write back each active row of the data table in one PLC cycle. We can modify the setting data in the data table. If the modification of settings is done on the HMI we use the “Data Entry Complete” bit to lock the read row operation for this cycle. Only for the analogue data we have for each row a global struct containing the row data. This data is used for the program and HMI. For digital IO’s we us an array and tag aliasing. Tag aliasing for analogue data would be possible but it is faster to have a struct because the name is inherited for all tags within this struct. Maybe everything is realised too complicated. However, it brings flexibility. The foreach loop and lists definitely bring new options. However, I will still keep the data table because of the overview and the easy import/ and export of data.
  2. The 500ms delay is exactly the problem we currently have.
  3. You just need to select the colum and format the cells to date/ time format. Right mouse click and format cells...
  4. Ok, I understand. And there no speed difference, because everything is in the same memeory area? The reason why I'm looking for this is to improve our PLC software. Please find attached 2 videos. The first one is UniLogic version 1.33.161. With the bit "Tag: Data Entry Complete" the read row command of the data table is locked. I think in Versions up 1.33.161 the timing of the "Tag: Data Entry Complete" is different and the read row lock is not working anymore? V1_33.mp4 1_37.mp4
  5. Great, thanks! This is what I was looking for! And than the variables are listed as Local Tag. One last question: Using a Data Table this way it is easy (with store) to read and write cell values. Is this correct? Or is it better to use a List and read and write the row back to the data table seperately? (Is there a difference in speed/ cpu usage)
  6. I can create a List. But it is not possible to feed the foreach loop input with this list.
  7. @Saragani The possibility to have an array of structs would be great (without DataTable). Is there something planed for the future?
  8. Hi, there are some interesting new features in this version: - IO-Link support - Structured Text editor and the long desired - Support of opening more then one project on the same PC. (UniLogic Multiple Instances) I'm looking forward to work with this new functions! I still missing the folowing: - Compare function (Online <-> Offline) - Not only that something is different in a function. From other PLC systems I'm used to see the exact difference. - Software versioning - Export/Import project as ASCII files for GIT versioning (Like Projects developed in VS code.) I'm wondering if this two features are on the UniLogic developer roadmap and if there is already a release date for this functions?
  9. we are using virt-viewer with a ubuntu system. if you google "virt viewer android" or "virt manager android" you find some downloads. not sure if this helps but maybe it is worth trying.
  10. kartmel, you are right. I was not looking carefully enouth to the timestamps. (3) is correct. we mostly read the data to arrays. than we convert the data to a buffer and parse everything to the struct (and datatypes) of the modbus device. for a start it is certainly easier to use the unistream modbus configuration table without an array.
  11. You can try it as shown in the picture... Poll: 01 04 00 00 00 19 31 CD 01 -> Slave adress 1 04 -> Function code Read Input Registers 00 00 -> Start Address 00 19 -> Read 25(dec) Registers 31 CD -> CRC https://simplymodbus.ca/FC04.htm
  12. We exchanged the PLC on this site. With the new PLC everything works fine. Then we tested the Boot Error PLC on my desk - no problems for 3 weeks. So, we decided to use this PLC for a monitoring task at a customer site. Since approx. one week the PLC is offline (the PLC was doing the task before for more than 2 weeks at this site). I can't tell now if the PLC is completely dead now, or it is just a network issue… Try it with another PLC and write a ticket to the support. Maybe they got some chips which are not completely ok and more sensitive to environmental conditions (e.g. temperature...).
  13. We have had the same message yesterday (UniLogic Version 1.33.236) . We contacted the support and sent them the log files. We will share the info as soon we get an answer.
  14. A user is logged out automatically after a download without reset. What is the reason of the auto log out after a download? Is there a system bit which tells me that a download was executed? Background: On the HMI we have a field that shows if a user is currently logged in. I don't know how to hide this field without a User Access Control Struct update event. Thanks, Daniel
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