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Sergio Ramos

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  1. Sure thing! Here it is. Also I think it could be done with the protocol of CANlayer2, although I'm not sure. I'll try to look for examples. NH3 sensor manual.pdf
  2. Hello everyone! I am doing a new project on a samba sm43 jr20. I am using an ammonia sensor to read data, and would like to display it on my PLC. This sensor in particular uses the protocol IES-CAN ISO 11898. Does visilogic support this protocol? If it does, in which communication would it fall under (CANopen,J1939,Unican etc.)? Any comments are appreciated. Thank you!
  3. Hello, Honestly, I do not mind to share my code at all. I'm just an intern at this company (have not even graduated) where not even my boss knows how to use PLC (no one really), so this was more of a "see if the intern can do it to save costs" kind of project. In school, I mostly learned about basic ladder programming, and I used Siemens and Rockwell. So this was completely out of what I know, (no one in the company taught me anything), and I am really grateful to the people in this forum for helping me learn something new. Sorry if this sounds like a rant, just wanted to express my thanks and why I am willing to share my program. Hopefully it can help someone the way I was helped here. Thanks again. J1939 NOX TEST CONNECTION.vlp
  4. Hello everyone, I am using a SAMBA SM43-J-R20. I have a question about thermocouples. I believe it is possible to receive the required bits by getting a module converter so the values are in 4-20 V or 0-10 volts. Would the wiring be the same as a SAMBA T22? Would it work the same as other PLCS where I would not need to linearize the data or would I have to program it so it does? And if I am required to linearize, how would the linearization work? I have tried to read into the manual but I cannot find useful information on which pins to use or if I have to change the jumper position. Any info is appreciated. Thank you.
  5. Hello Kratmel, I really appreciate your help. I found the issue of the problem, the start code must be configured with the subsequent MIs of the chosen vector startpoint in the j1939 transmit screen (the data pointer, first parameter in the j1939 configuration). Say if the start MI was MI 0, and your start code was 04h in hexadecimal. You would have to put the start up values as MI0=0 MI1=0 MI2=0 MI3=400, in the hexadecimal format. And then the sensor would start heating up. And to turn it off the same would be done with another vector and you would have to input your stop code. Hope this can help someone if they have a similar experience as mine. I thank everyone once again.
  6. Now that I took look at them, I'm wondering if it is possible to create a bit array in visilogic? I mean as (0,0,0,0,0,4,0,0). I want to try and send that, is there a way to do this? I thank very much once again.
  7. Then for the sensor I would have to provide around 10 A so it can start? Would the PLC be all right since the power is going from the PLC to the sensor? II have attached a copy of the full manual. And for the start code, yes that is exactly what I do not understand how to do. I cannot seem to find where I can input a SPN, or if I would have to send bits of data to the seventh byte so it would start. I've had some ideas but they have not worked thus far. If you have any thought or comment please let me know. I sincerely appreciate your help, thank you! Nox sensor full manual (2).pdf
  8. Thank you for the insight Aus. I don't know if it is because of an noise or other issues, which hopefully I believe it is not the case. I added a switch (for now) to regulate the power on the sensor. I also followed the advice posted before and powered the V- and V+ pins. At the moment I cannot figure out how to start the heating up process of my nox sensor. I don't know if it is a programming aspect, (hopefully it is) but on I can't find where on Visilogic I can input a SPN or a start code for the sensor. I have redone my program several times and now I can say that the program does import the right data but the sensor simply does not start. I have attached my program if you'd like to take a look. I sincerely thank you for your reply. P.s It is quite funny that you mention that the it does not work if cars are going by. My office is right next to the shipping area where large truck go by. I might need to test somewhere else xD. 1998127121_ManualNox.pdf
  9. Yep I think I finally understood. I thank you very much! I see, so it is completely independent. The data transmission will not start until a connection via programming is established. I think I get it now. Gracias te lo agradezco mucho! (Vi en uno de tus posts que eras de Mexico, yo soy tu paisano ) I wish there was some more information on the J1939 protocol. I have looked everywhere and it seems it is fairly unused in my application for reading sensors. I just attached the power but it does not seem to get a connection. I'll keep trying, but if anyone has examples of using SAEJ1939 on Visilogic I would really appreciate if you could share. In any case I thank you all for guiding me through this!
  10. Thank you very much for your replies. When I become experienced I hope to be able to help people like you do. Figures. I thought it had something to do with the CANBus pins, as in High and Low. So I would have to wire in two power sources? In the CANbus pins and the HMI Pins? Wouldn't adding an external PS make my code a bit irrelevant since it would start the communication immediately without user input? Is there a solution for this? Would I have to buy an expansion module to be able to power the CANbus ports? Thank you very much for your reply. Yes, it should. It's just that we should be able to control when it starts. Adding a power source would not let us have the level of control we would like on the sensor. Since the sensor would start immediately when the PLC turns on. My perception was that since the PLC had power already (24 V) once the communication started it would supply the voltage on demand. Guess I was completely wrong. I thank you very much for your reply.
  11. Hello all, I have been doing a project for a bit now, trying to get data from a NOx sensor. Nonetheless, I have tried to initialize the CANbus (SAEJ1939 Protocol) connection, but when I check the voltage for the CAN pins, there is no voltage. It should have 24 Volts so the sensor initializes. I have also connected the sensor and it does not start heating up whatsoever. I have tried other example programs for CANbus that do not use SAEJ1939 with no avail. If anyone could tell me what I am doing wrong I would really appreciate it. I have attached my program and the mentioned pins that have no voltage. Also what does PE (see picture) mean? Thank you!
  12. Hello, so for that code, it would make an array of all the bits of the J1939 Protocol. Would it be correct to assume that I could convert that array into a a readable number by the function BIT to NUM? And also, I think I figured something out, from what you said. The bit array will start say, on MB 1000, as the example, therefore the first 8 bits would be on MB 1000-10007. So if I needed the first 8 bits only, would it look something like this? The formula at the end is to convert the NOx value into ppm (parts per million). I once again thank you for your help! J1939 TRIAL V2.vlp
  13. Hello! If anyone has any experience or any examples of using the SAEJ1939 Protocol, I would really appreciate some help. I am using a NOx sensor and would like to extract its data to an HMI. I am currently trying to figure out how to utilize the parameters of the J1939 Protocol. I have the values of the Protocol from the user manual but I do not know how to interpret it for the Visilogic Function blocks. For example, to extract the NOx value would I say there are 2 bytes of max data allowed? (Since there a low and high bytes). And for data pointers, does it "point" to the address of a byte or a bit? Also, once the data is received, where would it be stored? And how can I convert it to a readable value? Would I have to convert it from a BIT to a NUM eight times (Since I get a bit of information and not a byte)? I would really appreciate any thought or comments. I have attached the manual, some screenshots, and my program so far. Thanks again. trial j1939.vlp Conti UniNOx12V_spec_11 03 08 (1).pdf
  14. Thank you very much for your reply. I was really confused with the data I was provided. I have just checked, so this would mean my PLC would not be able to communicate to the NOx sensor, since it is not part of those models. Correct? Thank you once again for your reply.
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