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e janssens

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  1. I'm programming a Smart Home system. but controlling a washing, drying or dishwasher is a challenge. These are not equipped with KNX or RS485 or do not start automatically by switching with a contactor. Most suppliers work with Home-Connect and their own connectivity. I am also looking to do this via Unitronics, but have not yet found anything on the internet in terms of communication protocol and which setting can control a drying machine, for example. Anyone wtih experience?
  2. Thanks, I could collect some improvements out of your ULPR. The graph works fine, only after sampling the refresh is not automatic, I guess there is a refresch command.
  3. I thought: using "data Sampling.force sample" , no need to set "data sampling.start/end sampling". Setting back on the start/end sampling removed the status -6. This should be mentioned in de help file. Also the source of status -6.
  4. Hi @ORSO2001, working with 'meters' was too time consuming having 96 samples in one graph. So I did it with an XY trend, read a DTI data row in a R/W struct and using the bit "force sampling" to read this struct in the sampling database. It worked fine (see the printscreen) But now I have, when starting sampling, a black HMI and after reboot the error status -6 on Data Sampling , a new sampling doesn't start, and nothing in the helpfile, nor on the internet, have you an idea what this status means?
  5. Tanks a lot, I look forward to see how you have fixed it, I was already started with sampling the DTI using Read row to a struct and next "Data Sampler DTI power.Force Sample" on this struct, but not yet result.
  6. Your X/Y graph is not standard in Unilogic, designed by yourself? Well done, this is what I had in mind. Can you share the source or is it easy to desing?
  7. Hi @ORSO2001 thanks for your reply, I start trying this way, sampling a DTI file. I'm designing a smarthome application, reading en storing Active power from a Power sensor and the solar panel energy, steering the loading of the electical car, boiler, heating system, ... And to calculate finally the electrical capacity of the power consumption (in Belgium a high elektrical capacity will be charged, I have to pay aboout 160 euro extra yearly and this shall increase the comming years. To make the historical Active power visible, I tought to visualize the stored DTI's in daily, weekly, monthly and yearly graphs to see the electrical savings resulting from the smarthome functions.
  8. Has someone a function which results in the number of the last day of this month? it can be 28,29,30 or 31 I need it as indexinput for an indexed table, to now the month is finished.
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