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    • We've been referring all problems with O/S updates to Official Unitronics support. Please contact them at support@unitronics.com.   Joe T.
    • Interesting. Yes we basically (as far as I know), just continued to do updates/downloads with 95 version, but just downloaded to the older controller firmware without updating. We have long since moved on from whatever firmware version was on the controller, so definitely not going backwards. I'm not sure we have the option to make a backup unfortunately.  Yup, ethernet card is all good, connecting fine, etc. It's just the I/O card now. I mean yea, back of the case was obviously removed to access the internals, and the ethernet card was replaced. I'm certain I didn't disconnect the I/O RJ45 cable in the process, so I don't believe it to be hardware issue on the plug side, bent pins, bent housing, etc.    It says right in the ethernet card documentation that minimum software required is 9.0.0 Not swapped. The ethernet cable goes up into the main switch, etc. I/O cable is like a foot long, and was never touched.    I did just recieve this message from Unitronics: "You should be able to power down both units, then plug in the ex90, then power then back up and it should detect it. However the version of visilogic you are using is known to contain many bugs and was only available for a short time. If possible we recommend updating to at least 9.8.96 to fix the bugs present in 9.8.95 as this may resolve the issue."   Long story short, this morning we are ripping out that I/O card, and replacing it with a snap-in expansion behind the plc. Sucks, I wanted to try and solve this one, but oh well. I'm honestly shocked nobody has encountered this problem before (or at least not posted about it on the internet).  Thank you guys for all the help on this one! Definitely a weird one.       
    • Hi, yesterday I had problem with printing visilogic, it crashed every time. I used v 9.8.96. In a hush I decided to update Visilogic, hoping the printing problem was solved. I updated to the most recent version 9.9.1. After this I got messages to add info password and PCOM password in program. It took me a while to find out how I had to solve this, but I managed. When downloading the program I had to update OS etc. At the end everything seems to work again. Except I monitorSB148 (Ethernet: Socket 1 Connected), is that this goes down every 5 seconds and immediately goes up again (because in the program it will reconnect). I did not see this before. Anybody has a clue?
    • Unless this is VERY old, I am unaware of updates required for a new Ethernet card. Can you tell us what was the previous version of VisiLogic and what were the model numbers of the previous and new Ethernet cards? Be aware that is NOT a Cat 5 Ethernet cable, even though it has the same RJ45 connectors. Double check that you don't have the Ethernet and Expansion cables swapped and that you have the correct end of the Expansion cable in the PLC and the correct end in the EX module. The Expansion cable goes in the bottom of the V570 while the Ethernet cable goes into Port 3 on the left side.
    • So I'm guessing the answer to "are you connected to the outside world" is a yes?  Unless the ethernet is simply connecting to other things that are not.  That is the reason for the "don't update" topic.  If you aren't connected to the outside world, don't update to the latest security version.  "dragging our feet" is not a problem if you're not connected to the net. But in using Visilogic 9.8.95 to do the upgrade, you had opened the version of your program you already had in the plc, but was used by the previous version of Visilogic?  Opening this *.vlp file in the later version of Visilogic may "update" the actual vlp in a way that makes it hard to go backwards.  (later edit..supposedly an automatic backup is done during this update...if you don't have the original any more, make a copy of the backup file immediately) Is the ethernet card now showing in Info Mode? And lastly...the usual "ohh poop" moment   ..was anything actually physically moved?  I'm guessing in replacing the card this has happened.  It's possible the ethernet and I/O cabling has been put into the wrong port.  They both look the same.  It's also possible that you have upset internal connections via bridging pins.  Check the IO/ethernet port idea first, then pop the covers again and check no connection pins are bent over etc. As to the new card needing different firmware, I don't know on that one.  Someone else's turn....  
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