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About Kojekude

  • Birthday 10/02/1974

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  1. Yes, I (actually You) solved the issue. Another PLC, also USC-B5-TR22, I first upgraded to version 1.33, and then to 1.35, without any problems. Thanks again for support.
  2. The program in PLC is same - in version 1.32
  3. PLC accepted to Import app, but nothing happened.
  4. Hello, I upgraded firmare from 1,32.xxx to version 1.35.227. I cant download program to PLC. Program is just configuration (PLC model, IP address). I tried with different Panel resolutions - without result. PLC is USC-B5-TR22.
  5. Failed Firmware Remote Update. Same result and if I using microSD.
  6. Thnx. Definitely, last card is dead (W1616T). After 14months, and without active inputs and outputs. Propertly suplied with 24VDC etc... The door of box sometimes was open, and there is sometimes wet air, maybe it is reason for failure... I tried remotely to detect problem. Pictures wasnt clear, I couldnt see that power lamp on that card wasnt green (see the picture). It was strange, IO bus monitor status was 5, Connected Units Register was 7,7,10,255,255,... Number of Connected Units was 3, and after reset changed to 0, but Connected Units Register was the same: 7,7,10,255... I tried Configuration without that (4.) card (still connected), but without result. After all, I went to factory and tried configuration without that card (I removed card) and it was ok. After that, I replaced the card. Sorry for my bad english.
  7. There are 204 elements and 5 Custom Controls in HMI. Every Custom control has 11 elements. Properties Window: 204+5=209 Compiling (and limitation): 204+5*11=259 If the number of HMI elements is close to the limited value (256), info in Properties window is unuseful (or wrong). I suggest two solutions: 1. Properties window should also display the number 259 2. (my preferred solution) During compiling, Custom Control should be seen as one object
  8. Saragani, I'm sorry. I didn't notice buttons color.
  9. Hi, Number of HMI elements in Properties Window is not valid for limitation. I tried with Custom controls to reduce number of HMI elements, result is in the screenshot. I just wasted couple hours of work, again. Please, do something with help files and examples (examples are just trivial cases of titled themes). For example, I dont know what means Warnings after compiling in my program: How to use System Error Structure? I dont use in program Alarm widgets, what the purpose of warnings about Alarms? What about Modbus 2.0, how to change it? And finally, buttons in Error List not filtering rows correctly.
  10. Thanks, its work now - I didnt see (my fault) that in version 1.32.98 exist special VNC touched bit, despite of Touched bit. Very useful option.
  11. I changed Server resolution to 1366x768 (my USL display is 15.6") but that didn't solve the problem.
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