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It turns out that all my HMI OPLC VISION J350 tr20 are configured with visilogic version 9.8.96

Due to orders from our IT department, we cannot use the visilogic version 9.8.96 because it requires "administrator permissions", we are forced to use from now on the visilogic version 9.5 that does not require "administrator permissions".


1. Is there a special problem with using an older version (9.5) of visilogic to make modifications to projects that we have saved with visilogic (9.8.96)?

2. Can the files (pvl) saved from projects with visilogic 9.8.96 be opened, modified with visilogic 9.5 and sent to the hmi vision?

Any clarification is very helpful, thank you.

  • MVP 2023

Given you have works done on the more modern version, I would stick with it as you will likely have issues going backwards, although they may be minor. 

You need to work with official support to resolve the "non-admin" .exe issue not arriving by gmail, which is your simplest solution. 

Joe has suggested the ways around this.

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