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Remove IO Module Issue

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When attempting to delete an unused IO Module I get "This module cannot be removed, because it is being used in the project. Please remove etc etc...." 

I have deleted all IO associated with the unit and when use the "Find Tag" the only reference shown is HID Device Identifier. 

How can I go about removing this module?


Screenshot 2024-04-04 143443.png

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The project might have been opened on a computer were someone have enabled 2 HID devices and attached a tag to the HID device identifier.

Please close your UniLogic. Then browse the installation directory and find a file called Unitronics.Shell.UI.exe.config

Open this file with a text editor like Notepad or Notepadd++ as Admin (else, windows will not let you save the file)


This file is an XML file, on which you will find a section called appSettings. The app settings are wrapped with <appSettings> and </appSettings>

Inside that section (You can add a line just before the </appSettings>), add the following:

<add key="UsbHidAllowTwoDevices" value="true" />


Save the file and then start your UniLogic.

Then open the project and go to the Panel USB Port settings.

Now if you check the "Enable USB for HID device", then you should see a new option "Two devices mode":



If this option is not checked, then check it, and then you should see the tag assignment "HID device identifier":



Clear that assignment, and then you should be able to delete the IO Module

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