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RTC date and time are swinging between two values

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My plc's RTC date and time are continuously swinging between two values, several times in the same second. RTC switches between today and a date from May 2018 (between 16th and 22th,  not always the same day, with a different time).


CPU OS 1.36.44

UniLogic 1.36.63

I've tried to set date and time from UniApps, from UniLog with "Set RTC", to check "auto-sync", but nothing change. I've also tried to download an empty new project to plc, just with some watches on RTC Date: same issue.

It's a problem as I want to use a schedule but it switches continuously between true and false...

Does someone know what to check else? Or what to do?

Thanks in advance.

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"Download All" empty project -> download successfull, but no changes about RTC

Note: RTC Date is unstable but UTC Date is stable and correct.

Forced remote update firmware, then "Download All" again same empty project -> the download was successfull, I think, but then I lost the connection to PLC "Please check IP configuration". If I try "PC - PLC Communication", I get "Ping to device wasn't successfull"

I tried to restore IP configuration with an USB action file, but the actions permissions has been removed from PLC (while they are still activated in the empty project)

30.04.24 11:51:21 Command Write Panel IP was not defined in UniLogic
30.04.24 11:51:21 Command Write CPU IP was not defined in UniLogic

I can't access my PLC anymore...

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First - attempt to use USB cable and ping than connect VNC to IP

You can check if this network exists after connecting USB cable to powered-on PLC:


Windows IP Configuration

Ethernet adapter Ethernet 8:

   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
   Autoconfiguration IPv4 Address. . :
   Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
   Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

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Thanks for your help. I will try with USB cable on thursday.

Note: The RUN led was orange blinking on PLC (Stop mode according to help).

I've tried to shut off / restart it: RUN led became orange on, then after some time, orange blinking.

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I've connected the PLC with USB cable and got access to it.

This message box has appeared and I've followed its instructions:


Now I have empty project on PLC and the RTC date is still unstable.


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