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PLC losing it's marbles?

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Morning all,

On Friday one of our PLC's fell over and it has reverted back to an IP address not related to our control network.

One of the connected PLCs now provide us with an error saying CPU Error Detected.

The device in question has been rebooted and defaulted back to

No software changes have been pushed to this device for quite sometime.

Any input would be appreciated it.






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  • MVP 2023

Check all your cables and connections through thorough removal/wiggling and actual continuity checking.  Then.....


29 minutes ago, Chris Edwards said:

No software changes have been pushed to this device for quite sometime.

But is what is IN it, actually what you think it is? 

Over the years I've had very occasional mishaps with tiny bits of ladder etc somehow being corrupted in EEPROMs etc, on otherwise perfect systems that have worked for years without fault.  "Huh? Why are you missing that single element/line of code?  How did that happen?"  Write it again and fixed.  

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