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V130: time to turn on a coil, but how?

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I want to turn on a coil at a time specified by an HMI time function entry variable (HH:MM). I thought it should be easy, but I need help. The value of this variable doesn't appear to me to be either RTC or anything else I can decipher. For example: 00:00 = 0, 00:10 = 16, 01:00 = 256, 12:00 = 4608. What is this value? Or how can I compare this to SI 32 (current time HH:MM)?

I can't find any information on HMI timer function variables in the help document. But I did find a very promising example on the 'Clock: Indirect Function Example' page. Unfortunately the help document is incorrect -- the indirect time of day function in the V130 doesn't automatically appends a mysterious (undocumented) second operand -- which I assume is a stop time, and which I can't have.


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  • MVP 2023

Use the Clock function block to set a coil. Set the second time one minute after the start time, either by hard coding it or using the indirect function.

In your logic, use a positive transition of the set coil to trigger whatever you're trying to do. Wait at least one minute before you reset the coil, or the Clock function block will set it again.

Joe T.

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