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Communication with a V120-R1

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I want to use my V120-R1 to read and display the serial data sent from my Qkits VK011 thermometer.

I know that i have to use the "Protocol scan" FB but i don't understand how to configure it.

There is 2 COM ports on the PLC; does these ports correspond with COM 1 and COM 2 or they are assignable? If yet, how can i do that?

Here is the data that came out from the VK011, as it appears on a sniffer program:





Sensor 1,+22.50 , DegC, 0A0D

Sensor 4,-02.13 , DegC, 0A0D

Sensor 1,+22.50 , DegC, 0A0D

Sensor 4,-02.13 , DegC, 0A0D

Does somebody can help me?

Thank you!

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  • MVP 2023

In Visilogic-

Read the Help on the COM INIT block. You'll want to use COM 2. Then read the Help on ALL the Protocol blocks. You will be using at least three of them.

Then look at Help->Examples->Version 900->Project Examples->Communications->FB Protocol->V130_Display_String_from_Hyperterminal.vlp. The V120 and the V130 are the same at this level.

After you've spent some time looking over the Help and looking at the examples come back with any questions. What you're looking to do is fairly easy after you understand how the pieces work.

Joe T.

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