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If you're just trying to decide if any of your 100 thermocouples has failed, consider either using a loop, or searching the table of MB bits for a "1" value using the "VECTOR FIND" function block - you'll either get a "-1" result showing that all thermocouples are OK (no "1" values found) or the index value of the first failed thermocouple. Much, much better than making a huge string of normally open contacts.

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If you're just trying to decide if any of your 100 thermocouples has failed, consider either using a loop, or searching the table of MB bits for a "1" value using the "VECTOR FIND" function block - you'll either get a "-1" result showing that all thermocouples are OK (no "1" values found) or the index value of the first failed thermocouple. Much, much better than making a huge string of normally open contacts.

Hello Phil, I like use advanced functions to reduce the application but sometimes customers like see only contacts and coils. They used to be electrician and understand better the basic ladder logic.

I remember when I had to explain one demo in a single net instead the 20-40 nets customer did it...

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