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Multiple Remote Access locations


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Hello All,

Is it possible to have multiple remote access users access a 570 at the same time? We have a 570 remotely controlling 3 pumps in a remote station. Currently we have one

PC at the main plant continuously connected via cable modem. While this is going on we would like up to 2-3 mores users access from their homes or offices the remote 570 while it is being monitored by the main plant. Is it possible to have multiple remote access users connected at the same time?



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Remote operator can hold only one session at a time. But Remote Operator can handle many sessions! It's newer tool - more modern and powerful. And - of course is free of charge! Can be downloaded from our site www.unitronics.com > Support page > Downloads.

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  • MVP 2014

Hi Scott,

As Emil mentioned, Remote Operator can allow 1 user to see multiple PLCs.

It should also be possible to have up to 4 indivdual users connect to a single PLC, either via Remote Access or Remote Operator. I assume your cable modem has an ethernet interface. By default the PLC has two sockets initialised for ethernet comms with Remote Access/Remote Operator. These are ports 20256 (PLC socket 1) and 20257 (PLC socket 3). If you want a 3rd or 4th user, you would need to include the extra socket initialisation blocks in the PLC to configure Sockets 0 and 2 as additional ports for 20258 and 20259 (for example), and set as TCP and Slave. Also include these ports in the cable modem port forwarding.

I haven't tested this to see how the PLC would cope with the data demands of 2 or 3 simultaneous remote sessions. However it sounds like you just want most of the users to have occasional access, without needing to worry if one is going to block the other from communicating.

As per Emil's recommendations, I would use Remote Operator instead of the older Remote Access.

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  • 3 months later...
  • MVP 2014

For some reason this topic was marked as unread, so I read it again. :-)

If I understand correctly, the on-site PC is already running Remote Operator. Another option is to use a remote terminal application (like VNC) to allow external users access to the on-site PC, so they look at its Remote Operator screen rather than connect directly to the PLC. I know VNC allows multiple connections, and I would expect a PC to have more resources for multiple connections than a PLC.

This might be too late for the original app, but maybe it helps someone.

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