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I am a new member on this forum and I have a problem with high speed conter .In hardware configuratios I choose a high speed counter with reset ( input I1 whitch is next to high speed counter( I0 ) is a reset for counter, or not?). I am programing a Vision 120 (v 120-22-t2c) Can somebody help me?

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Thank you for such quick reply.

My project is attach bellow, I hope. Fist file is normal, second one is zipp file. hzmen.vlphzmen.zip

I will use this high speed counter for cutting four diferent lenght of paper.( lenght will be preddetermined with switch ,3100 mm, 2800 mm , 2500 mm and 2280 mm) Lenght for paper will be editable on screen.

Before I work with Easy soft pro 6 from Moeller. Unitronics have better displays and manny other options(intigers...) so now I tray this simple projects with Unitronics.

Best regards


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Thank you very much for your solution.Yes I have some work to do, but all project is based on this counter .

So one more time THANK YOU. I am from Slovenia and you must forgive me for my english.

Best regards


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  • 5 months later...


I have finished the last projects with HIGH SPEED COUNTER and I am very pleased with Unitronics. Cutting machine is working properly.

Now I start a new project with V130-33-T2 on witch is attatch an ultrasonic sensor and I have a problem with reading value 4-20mA input. The sensor is working properly (measuring with instrument-current is changing, if I moving sensor). The sensor is also work properly - led lamp is blinking.On hardware configurtion I am determine 4-20mA and MI0 ultrasonic sensor, jumper JP5 change to B (ANALOG INPUT), jumper JP3 to B (CURRENT), but the value on MI0 is still 0.

Best regards


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