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Currently using a V130 with a stepper motor controlled via CanOpen, I can control the motor within operation mode however i can't find anyway to set the motor in configuration mode (!?) Basically, i need to set the configuration Node-ID and Bit timing parameters using SDO or equivalent.

For information, the motor is from IMS and as per the Application Note from the manufacturer, the COB ID is 0x07E5 (.2021d).

Thanks in advance for your help.


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First of all make sure that the Node-ID and Bit timing parameters are not configured using dip switches.

If indeed these parameters can be configured via SDO then take a look at EDS file and find the index which is related to NODE ID and the one that related to Bit timing.

Now when you have this information first you need to set the device in to Pre-Operational mode. Then you can use SDO Download command for changing the Node-ID and Bit timing parameters.

You can find an example for CANOPEN in VisiLogic--> help--> examples -->communication--> CANOPEN which includes function to switch the CANOPEN device to stop/Pre-Operational/Operational modes and also sending SDOs example.

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Thanks for your reply. However there is nothing in the EDS file that is related to the configuration Mode change (...) keep in mind that this is a motor and not a coder, it may explain the difference (or not?).

Therefore i am still stuck with this motor in Operation Mode while i can change this without any issues through the CanOpenTester app, which gives the following feedback:

>> Id=07E5, Rtr=00, Data= 04 01

>> Id=07E5, Rtr=00, Data= 11 02

>> Id=07E5, Rtr=00, Data= 13 00 00

>> Id=07E5, Rtr=00, Data= 17

>> Id=07E5, Rtr=00, Data= 04 00

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Hi Team,

I complement my colleague's request ....

I would like to know if it is possible to have access to an LSS layer of a stepper motor drived by Canopen.

This layer (Layer Setting Services (LSS)) must be used to set

a new ID and a new bit-timming. (ex: ID 2 i / 500 kbauds/s)

According to the motor data sheet I have to access a fixed h07E5 COB-id and send him a set of values ​​for that.

Using SDO is clearly not possible to access this COB-ID!!!!

Note: In the EDS file there is no address which corresponds to Actual ID and Bit-timming.

As described in the message above, using the tool provided by the manufacturer of the engine, the frames sent are:

>> Id=07E5, Rtr=00, Data= 04 01

>> Id=07E5, Rtr=00, Data= 11 02

>> Id=07E5, Rtr=00, Data= 13 00 00

>> Id=07E5, Rtr=00, Data= 17

>> Id=07E5, Rtr=00, Data= 04 00

and correspond to the doc.

Have you any idea how to do this from the V130?

Thank you all

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Did you check with the supplier of this motor whether it is possible to change these parameters using SDO commands?

If it is not possible then you can try doing it using CAN_LAYER2 protocol.

Baiscally using "CAN_LAYER2 Send" command you will just need to enter ID and data you wish to send to the device.

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Did you check with the supplier of this motor whether it is possible to change these parameters using SDO commands?

If it is not possible then you can try doing it using CAN_LAYER2 protocol.

Baiscally using "CAN_LAYER2 Send" command you will just need to enter ID and data you wish to send to the device.

HI Ofir,

Thanks for your answer

I wil try this and i will tell you if it's ok.

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  • 1 year later...


i have encoder Hengstler AC58 - cable (do not have mechanical possibilites to set base parameters - baudrate, node address), from user manual I found that the default node address 1 and baud rate 800kb/s. Is it possible via the LSS protocol settings node address and baud rate, although Unitronics does not support baud rate 800kb/s. 


Very thanks for any information and helps.
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Your problem is not just the baud rate, but also the communications protocol. According to the manual, this device communication protocol is SUCOnet, a proprietry fieldbus system of Klockner-Moeller, which is specificially for use with Moeller networks.


In general, Unitronics FB protocol is flexible enough to retrieve information transmitted in this method, but then again - you have the baud rate problem...

Another thing - LSS protocol settings is related to CANopen protocol, which your device does not support.

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Hi Eyals,


I don't have SUCOnet communication, I have Hengstler AC58 - CanOpen http://www.hengstler.de/gfx/file/shop/encoder/AC58/Datasheet_AC58-CANopen_en.pdf

Sorry for that comment, from some reason the first link I found was regarding SUCOnet encoder...

Anyway, as far as the manual says, the only way for switching baud rate is via DIP-Switch (see attached pic).


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