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Remote Access Font Problem

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I need to use some remote access screen shots to place in an operating manual I am putting together. Unfortunately, everywhere (almost every display) that I used Arial 14 pt bold font, the remote access font is obviously something different. That won't look too good in my manual. It looks like I'll be changing to Sans Serif 14 pt.

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Thanks Saragani,

I did not know I needed to. In my last V120 project, my screen shots and bitmaps all appeared correct in Remote Access without importing anything. If I did import something, I didn't do it intentionally.

So I started reading in the Help menu and have a question. I am unable to get to the menu shown to in the Help menu. It doesn't show up when I'm in Remote Access, and I can't seem to get there any other way. Can anyone help direct me to it?

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Hi, only the Color PLCs require fonts and images cache.

Make sure that the PLC that is configured in your Remote Access is V570/V350 (or any Color PLC) and then you should see the menu.

The menu is hidden if any monochrome PLC is selected (In a case of a V120 you might see a menu of importing a ura file).

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Hi Saragani,

Thanks for the information. In my first post the V350 faceplate shows up in Remote Access. But the menu seen in yesterday's post still doesn't show up.

Does the V350 faceplate show up in Remote Access because that is the PLC designated in HW Configuration?

Is Remote Access configured outside the software? I can't find where to configure it for color or V350/V570 within the software. Which menu heading is it under?

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When you are connected to the PLC and you see it's display most of the menus are hidden.

You need to first close the connection.

Then you should see the menus as shown in Menu1.png

After selecting a PLC model, then you can create a urc file from the PLC (as shown on Menu2.png)



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Hi Saragani,

I started programming V120s about 4 years ago and have programmed at least 100 of them. I am working on my first V350 project. Remote Acess is an excellent way to do some preliminary testing of program changes. I use it quite a bit.

That said, I have never seen the menu you show on my computer, with or without being connected to the PLC. Which is why I have been asking how to navigate to it.

Are you telling me that the menu you show should be there on my computer screen anytime I am not connected to the PLC? I can't attach a complete computer screen shot because the file is too big.

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"Are you telling me that the menu you show should be there on my computer screen anytime I am not connected to the PLC?"


Is it a Remote Access that you have installed? (or was it something that was installed by someone else, and you only upgraded every once in a while?)

Have you tried uninstalling Remote Access completely and then reinstalling it?

If that doesn't help then maybe you can give a chance to Remote Operator:


Remote Operator is .Net based application that does the same and even better than Remote Access.

It allows you to define connection to several plcs at same time, zoom in/out the view by resizing the display window, screen capture the plc screen or print it etc.

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Hi Saragani,

Thank you for helping me. And for your patience.

When I am connected to the PLC and click on the sunglasses icon, Online Test begins and a small box appears (with symbols for run, stop, single cycle, etc.) If I hover my cursor over the greenisn-colored icon, the words "remote access" appear. I assumed that when I clicked on that icon, that I was starting Remote Access. I guess the wording threw me off.

I went to the Unitronics website and downloaded and installed the newest Remote Access as you suggested. I did not know that Remote Access was a different package that had to be installed separately. Everything is working perfectly now, I think. Is that greenish-colored icon supposed to launce the Remote Access software in installed? It currently doesn't, but I was just wondering.

If I am feeling brave someday, I may try the Remote Operator.

Thanks again.

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Ah, Ok. Now I understand. You ran "Remote Access" from Visilogic

So indeed you don't have menus in Remote Access that comes inside Visilogic.

When using the Stand Alone version of Remote Access then after you import/create fonts and images cache, then each time you connect to a PLC, it will try to find a cache file (it saves a list of the ones that you already imported) that matches both the Images and the Fonts. If none was found then it will use the best matching fonts on your Windows for drawing the fonts and it will draw an X on a red box on the missing pictures.

When using the Remote Access that comes as a plugin inside Visilogic, it will not try to see if the images and the fonts of the current opened project matches the ones on the PLC. If it matches then it will use them... if not, it will fall back to your WIndows fonts and X on a red box for missing pictures.

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