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HMI and Ladder communication

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Hey guys,

I am new to this game and I just wanted to clarify some stuff.

I am using a V130-33-RA22

I have created several displays and you should be able to jump between them using the specified keys, which were set from the HMI editor as shown in the picture.

My question is this, from this selector screen, the program needs to know which part number is selected (1-8) so it knows which pre-set value to compare a reading to. Firstly, will the navigation work as I have it now? And secondly, how can I perform the screen jump and save a value depending on where the jump is going at the same time?



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Forgive me, but I am assuming that when you say

The jump as you show it needs to work.

You mean that It should work as it is.

The second question I will try to state more clearly. I wish to know whether or not it is possible to change a MI based on an input. To be specific, here is the situation:

The screenshot shown in the previous post is where an operator will select a part number to run. When he presses a number on the keypad (1-8) The screen should jump to the appropriate corresponding screen, is there any way for me to store that value (which key was pressed, or which screen it jumped to) to use in the ladder logic?

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Of course!

First - you have the number of active display in SI252. Then, you can define a bit for each display. Then, you can find in vector of bits which bit is active. You can use FB Events, which will make this operation very easy.

In SI6 you have the number of SB of the key pressed.

I hope these tips can help you.

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One more quick question. You can see in the picture I included the SI252 values for each of the displays. How do you reference those numbers specifically?

Is the SI252 a vector of bits in and of itself or is it interpreted as being a decimal value by the control?

If you wouldn't mind could you show me how exactly you would implement this? Like I said before, I am really new to this type of programming and am having trouble wrapping my head around it.

I did find the FB Events you spoke of and it seems like that would be perfect for this application.


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Lets be less complicated.

When you use Jumps table, you ONLY change display to other one, nothing more.

Such Jumps table is good to scroll between pages/Displays, or scroll Display content.

You do not need to use Display numbers to realize your requirements, it is better to use "Load HMI Display function from "Utils->HMI->..." Menu of VisiLogic. See attached picture.

Then for pressed key #2 save 2 into MI 0 and run Display Run 2 etc.




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That looks like a great way to do it!

I am wondering though if this would also be a valid method? See attached picture.

I only needed to know what screen was pressed to jump into a particular subroutine, by doing this it seems that the value does not need to be stored, but can be done automatically.


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If you do not need to save any trace of selected options, you can do this.

But bear in mind, that linked to Display Subroutine is active only when corresponding display is active.

I recommend to process any key inputs inside of linked subroutine, for example your ESC key.

Then when ESC key pressed - run "Part Select Run". Etc. Othervice you will just leave display without any action.


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