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Your USB to serial converter is hanging up and when that happens you get the message you do. If you look at the post http://forum.unitronics.com/index.php?/topic/1605-communications-stop-when-a-variable-frequency-drive-in-use/

This is the same problem you are having. The problem was only solved by either going directly to a serial port (not so avaialable any more) or to change the USB to serial converter to a different type/brand.


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Thanks for spending your time tracking down the problem and pointing me to that topic. I'm not sure how I missed it, since I visit the forum almost every day. I have been using the same USB-serial convertor since I started using Visilogic back in 2008 and hadn't seen the error shown above until I downloaded/installed version 9.4.0. Although I do remember getting a "has encountered an error and needs to close" message at times in the past while monitoring the PLC. Perhaps those are related to the same cause.

I tried Online mode with and without the power adaptor attached to the computer. I got the error both ways.

I did some searching and found out that the convertor I use has the FTDI chip. Perhaps I just need a different brand.

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