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Connection Failure


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Hi all,

I am connecting my laptop to a single V280 via Ethernet TCP. On it I am running successfully Visilogic, Data Export and UniDDE, all with good PC - PLC connections. When it comes to the Remote Operator it simply will not establish a connection. N.b. when trying the Remote Operator I am not running any other connections at the same time. Can anyone suggest remedies... What to try?!?!? I can't remember the version of the V280 OS, but I checked for updates just before starting on the project.

Please see the screenshot for settings and fault message.

post-257-011890000 1287150525_thumb.jpg

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Hi and thanks for your reply.

Disabling the firewall makes no differeence. I even tried reinstalling the Remote Operator. There is one more thing... When I open Communication Settings to set up the connection I receive a failure notice (see the attached screen shot). Included is also a view of the Unitronics folder where the Remote Operator is searching. Is this possibly the cause of my problems?!?!?

post-257-008058100 1287406820_thumb.jpg

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I don't know what the problem is.

The message that you see about the connection is a message from Microsoft when trying to open a connection to the given IP and port.

It is weird that Visilogic works fine and Remote Operator doesn't.

Is there any chance to remote control your PC using TeamViewer?

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  • 1 year later...

I have a similiar issue. I am running Windows Vista. I see the same access denied message when opening the communication settings dialog. Notice this is not happening when I try to communicate, but it shows up when I open the communication settings dialog box. See attached screen shot. I'm not sure if this is related to my communication problem or not.

I can ping the V230 PLC with no problem. When I try to connect via telnet to troubleshoot the tcp connection on port 20256, it does not connect.

If I connect the V230 PLC to a different computer runing Windows XP and similiar IP settings then I don't have any problems. I can execute the "telnet 20256" command with no problems and remote operator works fine.

Why does the Windows Vista computer have this problem?

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Hi, I don't see any attached screen shot, but from what you are saying, you are getting the access denied when opening the communication settings dialog, which means that it is not because of communication problem.

I believe that it is a message about access that is being denied to a file. (Either read/write/update).

The first thing you can try is decrease the UAC settings to the minimum.

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  • 8 months later...

Don't know if you got this figured out yet but you need to go to the folder properties for the folders you were being denied access too such as C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Unitronics and then Right Click, go to properties and then the security tab and then enable read/write access for all the different users. Even if you installed the program as an administrator, it doesn't always give you the correct read/write access permissions, you need to assign them yourself

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