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RTD CM Input - Optional?

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I've got a V130-35-TA24 that is currently using 2 PT100 inputs, 2 Analogs, 5 digital inputs. This currently uses every terminal on the input side. My application may need an additional input, can Jumper 11, be set to be a digital input instead of being the PT100 common, and create a PT100 common by some other means?

We've tried connecting the common to the 0V terminal with no luck.

Is this possible or can that terminal only be used as the PT100 common when using PT100's?


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  • MVP 2023

The PT 100 "common" is a return terminal used for calculating lead resistance of the connected sensor - you have to use it. The only way I can think of to get an additional digital input is to multiplex one of the ones you already have by running two through a relay controlled by one of the outputs and switching between the two while tracking it in the program.

I know - not what you wanted to hear.

Joe T.

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