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SD - Bugs and ideas


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OK - This post is hard for me, because my english isn't good.

I programmed many functions using SD card, and i've found some bugs:

1) Write Delimited Line to Excel

Nobody using this function?? Really?

OK - first useless thing - writing all 512 bytes to SD Card. OK - some O/S limitation. OK - I create buffer, fill this buffer with data using Create Excel Delimited Line, and bum! - 2 hours of debugging !! V1020 can't write all 512 bytes to SD Card, if there is no null value at the end of buffer - but I'dont want to have in CSV file null bytes, because Excell and other software go wild ;)

Then I ask - what is for "Write Delimited Line to Excel" because now is useless. I must used SD File Utilities (Open, Write and Close SD File).

2) Changes of Write Delimited Line to Excel

Write to file not all 512bytes of data, but specific amount of data without zeros (null values).

3) Create new Excel functions would be nice:

a) write/read trends to/from CSV file

B) write/read data tables to/from CSV file

4) Create new function of Folder Report - list existing files. I want to create custom SD File Card Browser because originally isn't pretty, but i can't because i don;t have any possibility to list files in folder.

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A lot of customers use Delimited Line functions. But nobody comply.

You have to understand better how it works, before you invent whell.

ASCII string MUST be limited by <0> (Byte 0x00). This is End-of-Line.

Othervice bytes will be copied, until <0> will be found.

For Excel is important to read End-of-Line. This tell to Excel that current string finished.

If you need to save Binary data - use Block functions. But in this case you should take care about everything inside such file.

All functions you suggested are existing. You just have to learn how it works and use in right way.

There is good help in VisiLogic, a lot of examples, webinars etc.

I wish you success.

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