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I have created a program in visilogic9.3.0 and now i updated it with 9.4.0. As 9.4.0 doesn't allow to give min and max value for mf in the keypad entry tab it shows many errors. how can i overcome this one.? send some suggesstion...


Visi New error

  • MVP 2014

I can offer at least a partial solution, that will allow you to compile and run the application.

In each keypad entry variable, un-check and then re-check the Keypad entry checkbox. This will clear the limits back to zero on both upper and lower limit values. Keypad entry will work, but you will need to apply validation in the ladder.

As to why this issue has arisen, that is a question for the creators.


I can offer at least a partial solution, that will allow you to compile and run the application.

In each keypad entry variable, un-check and then re-check the Keypad entry checkbox. This will clear the limits back to zero on both upper and lower limit values. Keypad entry will work, but you will need to apply validation in the ladder.

As to why this issue has arisen, that is a question for the creators.

Thanks Mr. Simon,

is there any solution for min and max values for mf?(or have to wait until 9.4.1)

also is there any trick to make the decimals user definable.(x.xxxxx) As it consumes more space in V350.


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