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VisiLogic 8.6.2 HMI problem

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I'm using VisiLogic 8.6.2 to program V130. My problem occurred after updating to newest VisiLogic. My OS is windows XP.

The problem occurred during editing HMI Displays jump conditions. Before update while editing HMI's I could see "frame" (with V130 buttons etc.) around the actual display and below were the jump conditions. After the update I can't see the "frame" and the jump conditions anymore (see attached screenshot). So I can only see the display. If I press the HMI button from toolbar, the frame and the jump conditions flash on the screen for a second and then disappear. If I press the HMI button repeatedly, the VisiLogic fails and closes.

I can edit normally the display but I can't edit the jump conditions for the displays. What could be the problem? I've uninstalled the VisiLogic and deleted the remaining folder from program files. After installing the VisiLogic again the problem persists.

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