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"Fix" button in Information Mode

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  • MVP 2023

Anyone know what the "Fix" button does when in the Operand Mode section of Information Mode? I cannot find any documentation on this button.


Also, If I need to get to, say, Memory Bit 7000, is there an easier way to get there other than pressing the down arrow 175 (!) times?

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There indeed is an easier way instead of scrolling, you can manually select which memory operand you wish to view. To do this click on one of the addresses on the left then manually enter the value of the operand using the keypad entry.


Selecting the fix button loads the display starting at the top address location. For example if you manually enter address 4500 into the top location, then press fix. This will then allow you to use the normal scroll functions starting from that top location.The entire display will jump to the location starting at 4500, with the next address at 4508, 4516, etc.

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