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Wind Turbine 225 kW with Vision 280

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  • 6 years later...
  • MVP 2023

You're probably not going to get a response, as this post is 7 years old.

You're probably also not going to get a response because you're asking for a copy of something that is very proprietary and a lot of engineering hours went into .  It's like asking for the source code for a car's computer from the manufacturer.

We tend to be very protective of the programs we've written for people, as it's how we make our living.  We don't just hand them out.  You probably wouldn't be too keen on sharing your code for free either, after spending hours developing and testing it.

Rather, if you have idea of what you want to achieve from a control standpoint and want to know how to use Unitronics to do that, post your questions.  That is what the forum is for.

Joe T.

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