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New to PLC, using V1210 to control Hitachi VFD

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Hi there,


I have a project that need to use V1210 modbus to control a VFD which is Hitachi WJ200.


Im new to PLC and never done anything about modbus. But I watched the webinars and got the frame of the software.


Now, I still don't know how to connect the PLC with the VFD. I can program the PLC and make it the master, but I don't have a chance to program the VFD. 

I saw on the other forums that people are using March 3. I don't know what is that and I don't think that will help.


So Im here to see if anyone can tell me from the basic steps how to set up the connect between the PLC and VFD through modbus.


Appreciate for the help.



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  • MVP 2023

You will first need the documentation on the Hitachi describing it's Modbus address map so you know where to look for what.  Then look at the Modbus master examples under the Help menu.


I found the Hitachi manual describing Modbus here-



Modbus is documented in Appendix B.  The actual addresses you need are on B-24; everything before that is fairly confusing about formatting Modbus commands, which Unitronics does for you.


The Hitachi uses RS485, so I'd set up the PLC on COM2 for this type of communication.  Before you start writing your real program, I'd write an app that just lets you get familiar with talking to the drive.  Hard code some reads and writes to specific registers and put the data and trigger buttons on the screen.  Hopefully you have a helpful distributor to guide you along the way- this is a rather difficult project for a beginner.


Joe T.

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Thank you Joe.


I connected the PLC with the VFD today and did some test for the modbus control. I downloaded the modbus master file like the webinar shown and change all the settings into my requirements, but it won't work. The status message is 5, which means no connection.

I dont know why. I think all my wirings and setting are right.


I dont know how to upload pics, hope someone can help me.


Thank you. 

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Hi Joe, Sorry to reply you late. 

Thank you for your help. I figured it out yesterday and work late, so I didnot get a chance to reply you.
The problem was the master IP setting. I though the master's IP will be only for master; slave IP for slave. So I set both the master, which is the PLC and the VFD at IP 1. Also, the manual of the VFD gave me the wrong command address. I figured that out with trying some address around the address from the manual. 
Thank you again for your help. You replied real fast.
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