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web server, help me

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Hi, excuse me

can anyone help me?

I used vision 350, with enhanced Vision PLC Webserver document is all ok, but i have any question for you.


First - Can I write the timer with the my webpage?


Second -  I don't link the other webpage from main page.


For example, is corect from the main page this string HTLM, for Linked my second Page "second.htm"

<A HREF="" </A>      (where is PLC IP)


n.b All web pages are under the web folder on SD.

Tanks You.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Ido,

1. You can write timer values in your webpage, according to the description in the attached image (also stated in the PDF help file in webserver.zip).

2. For linking other web pages, you don't need the PLC's IP address. You can use only <A href="/Web/second.htm</A>.


For your convenience, I attached the zip file containing the advanced web server example



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Hi, Eyal


tank you very much for your post.


For the attached image from the PDF help file, i think that show me the read of timers and not the write from the web page,


the title is



You can show timer values


Is this true?


Thanks you

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Hi, Eyal


tank you very much for your post.


For the attached image from the PDF help file, i think that show me the read of timers and not the write from the web page,


the title is



You can show timer values


Is this true?


Thanks you


You are right. My reply was related to presenting timer values on web server HTML page.

There is no direct way for storing a timer values to the PLC via advanced web server.

What you can do is store an ML value to the PLC, and create logic that will convert this value to timer preset/current value. To do this use the "Store Timer Current/Preset" FB's available from the "Store" menu in Visilogic. The resolution for this conversion is 10 mS, hence for storing the value 60000 the timer value will be 10 minutes.

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