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Hi guys, 


I need a button on the HMI display which will "pulse" an output (from an IO-D16A3-TO16 module) when is pressed/released. I know that it is possible by assigning a MB to that button, continue with a set coil, and after that a reset coil assigned to the output, but I could not find how to proper program the ladder. 

There is any example showed somewhere? I looked after a solution on forum, but I could not find something that could suit my need. If it is explained somewhere, I would kindly ask to post the link here. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated (and if is explained for dummies would be wonderful). 




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There are several ways to approach this task. The easiest is to use a positive transition contact (linked to a button) connected to an output coil.

If you want the pulse to be generated when the button is pressed and released, you can use both positive and negative transition contacts in the same net.

I created the two nets in the attached application and added counters as a bonus :)

pulse button.vlp

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Hi mate,

I tried your program, unfortunately without my expected results (to pulse the physical output from IO-D16A3-T016 module). 

Attached is a sample of the program in which I have used your advice and has inside some comments.


This is exactly what I need: 


 "the pulse to be generated when the button is pressed and released" 

I tried this (from your program) without success. 


Any help is greatly appreciated. 



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All right. The issue is solved. 



How to "pulse" an Output Oxx by pressing/releasing a Button on the HMI.



The steps are as follow: 

- create a Button on the HMI

- assign a MBxx to the Button

- create the logic in the ladder: a direct contact assigned to MBxx linked to a Coil assigned to the Output Oxx (the output that you want to "pulse"). 


That's it. Works.


Thanks guys for your help !


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