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I have a project with V570 and a modem kit 41J attached.


I am using this configuration to send sms messages to technical staff when an alarm occurs.

The customer also want to be called up, not just a text message. 

The call up function is most important during night, when sleeping.


I have tried tu use the function DIAL but this dont work.


Do anyone have a solution to this ??



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Have you read the Help and looked at the Examples on sending SMS messages?  Has the modem been prepared using the Visilogic utility?


Post your code so we can have a look at it.


Joe T.



SMS works perfect.


Customer also want to be called up.  Wake up call when sleeping but still at duty.

I hav tried DIAL command , but does not work.



1. send sms to persons on list  ( ok)

2. Call up 



An alternative is to use a digital output to activate standalone caller.



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