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Hi guys, 


I need a little help with the email configuration.


What I have done:

- Initialised a TCP/IP socket 3 when the PLC starts:

SB2-Power-up bit>PLCName:V1210>TCP/IPCardInit (with a local IP address)>TCP/IP Socket Init (Socket 3, Protocol: TCP, Local Port D#-20256)

- Used a MB100 (Connect to server) to try to connect to the remote server. The net looks like: MB100 ON>SB142 (Ethernet Card Initialised) ON > SB151 (Ethernet Status Link) ON > SB146 (Ethernet Socket Initialised) ON > SB150 (Ethernet Socket 3 Connected) OFF


The TCP/IP: TCP Connect function block is configured as follows:

- Socket : Socket 3

- Remote IP: (my email server IP)

- Remote Port: 25


If I am connecting through telnet to (telnet 25 in cmd) I get the following message:

220 mail.tpg.com.au ESMTP (mail15) Sendmail ready.


Not sure why in Visilogic the SB150 is OFF, telling me that there is no connection to the remote server (, but I can go to this address via telnet. 


Any idea would be much appreciated :)





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I tested port 25, and received "connection timeout".

For ESMTP you should use port number 587, but it return message:

"554 mail9.tpg.com.au ESMTP not accepting messages".

You can test this configuration if it works or not to send email.
You have to request IP address and other email server settings from your email provider.


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I tested port 25, and received "connection timeout".

For ESMTP you should use port number 587, but it return message:

"554 mail9.tpg.com.au ESMTP not accepting messages".

You can test this configuration if it works or not to send email.

You have to request IP address and other email server settings from your email provider.


Hi Alex, 


Thanks for reply.

I tested both ports (telnet 25 and telnet 587) from my end I received the following message:

"220 mail.tpg.com.au ESMTP (mail14) Sendmail ready"

I configured the port 587 in the TCP Connect function block as below, but still does not want to connect to the mail server (SB150 is OFF). 

TCP Connect function block: 

- Socket : Socket 3

- Remote IP: (my email server IP)

- Remote Port: 25


Still not sure why or what is blocking the connection between PLC and the mail server. 

Any idea would be much appreciated. 




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Can you send you project to support@unitronics .com to simulate your problem?

Add information about system files versions, used VisiLogic version.

Do you connect PLC to your company network? May be some kind of traffic is blocked?

We tested our examples on ADSL line with GMX email servers,


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