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Unistream CANopen config


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Hello, I am trying to setup TPDO and RPDO for a motor controller that I am working on. It seems that I only can make Time, PID and RTC type Tags (see pic1). Is it only me that does not understand how this works or is there a glitch in the software? The T and R command mapping tables for the controllers can be seen in pic2 and 3.

I am totally new to Unitronics and relatively new to CANopen so maybe I am mistaking, but is it correct that I set the nodes in the way seen on the attached picture 1? I set the plc as master by giving it node ID 1 and the motor controllers 2 and 3?


Best regards,





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Thanks for using the Unitronics forum.


The TPDO and RPDO will use Structs created within the project. First click the "Struct" tab in the tag database, and create the format of your RPDO. Once created, you will have the ability to create a tag with this Structure in the RPDO and TPDO tabs.


I hope this helps,



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