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Windows 8.1 and Unilogic 1.13 rev 9


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For the last 8 months I have been running an older version of Unilogic on a Laptop running Windows 7.  Using Windows 7 I had an occasional issue with the program crashing but overall everything worked well. Last week after having to replace the Windows 7 Laptop I ended up with the combination of Windows 8.1 and Unilogic 1.13 Rev 9. Since then I have had the following issues.


When starting the Unilogic after powering the Laptop the Unilogic logo screen shows then an error screen appears showing:


'Your SQL Server Installation is either corrupt or has been tampered with (Unknown package id). Please uninstall the re-run setup to correct this problem'


After unistalling and re-installing I am able to run Unilogic but with one major issue,this being when I use the keyboard in the search area at the bottom of the screen to find a tag, letters entered through the keyboard take as long as 10 seconds to appear for each letter. After entring letters / numbers here the keyboard entries are now slow in all area's when entered. Prior to entering letters in the search area at the bottom of the screen the letters entered elsewhere enter at a normal speed.


If I exit the program and restart, Unilogic starts normally and I am able to get back to normal keyboard entries providing I do not type in the search area.


Now if I power off the Laptop when, I restart I get the SQL error mentioned above and have to reinstall the program.  This has happened for the last 5 days.


I have tried removing my install download and re-downloading the Unilogics install fom the Website, but this does not help. I have also tried running Unilogic as a Windows 7 compatable program with the same problems.  Has any had / resolved these issues


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Is there a chance that the computer name on the domain changes each time you boot your computer?

I've found very little information about the given SQL error that can explain why it happens on each reboot.


Does the slowness of the search of tags happens for every project (even if you create a small test project), or just with a specific project?

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The Domain name remains the same. Today again on starting I had the same SQL error and had to uninstall then reinstall.

I started a new program with just 3 elements in a rung. I went to the bottom search bar and entered the tag I wanted to search for. Even with 3 elements the keyboard is exceedingly slow

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OK, 3 elements, but were there a lot of Tags on the grid? (For example, you started a "Classic project" that contains MB, MI tags etc).


I might need a remote session in order to try to find why those problems happen.

Those 2 problems are really weird. For the SQL problem, I might need to look at the SQL logs (and hopefully see something that might suggest why the SQL fails). 

For the performance problem, I might need to install a 3rd party tool in order to see why things get slow at some point.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I have UniStream 1.13.09 on my Windows 8.1  PC.

I have no problems with the SQL Server.

Or response  after opening Unilogic( which takes about 45 seconds)


Consider doing this :


Uninstall UniLogic,  and   Also uninstall the SQL Server  ( Control Panel - Programs and Features)

Power DOWN the PC.


Do a re-install of UniLogic.   Unilogic will detect the presence of the SQL Server  and install it if it is not there.


Just have to be sure that the SQL Server is only installed for UniLogic  and other programs are not dependent on it.

   C Drive - Users - Your User Name - App Data -Local-Microsoft-Microsoft SQL Server Local DB - Instances-Unilogic

      The UniLogic folder has the log files and other information.





Dan Thomas


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