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Windous 8


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I have windous 8, but only http://www.unitronics.com/W7 drivers.

The problem may be in the windows?


The PC-PLC Comunikace - It writes PLC update needed for Ethernet (yellow triangle with an exclamation mark)



This operation cannot be completed until the controller OS is updated. Either: Update the files: connect a USB stick to this PC and press Copy to USB Stick to copy files, and then use the USB stick to update the controller. or prees cancel to stop download

update needed.




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The UniStream panels are updated by downloading the firmware to a USB flash drive. In UniLogic you can navigate to the PLC ribbon then select UniStream Management and Firmware Manager. The firmware can then be copied to a USB flash drive by selecting Copy to DOK.


Once the files are copied, the USB drive can be placed into the UniStream's USB host. Navigate in UniApps to the System tab, then select Upgrades, and select Upgrade PLC.


The PLC will then take approximately 15 minutes to update. Please do not cycle power during this update process. Once updated you should be able to download projects using the new version of UniLogic.

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