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I have one M91-2-UA2 PLC programmed for one analog input and one analog output.

My analog input settings is between MI0 - MI20 and my analog output settings is above MI20.

I downloaded my program in the PLC and check it on line by changing the values of my MI's and everything was working fine.

I switched OFF my power supply because i wanted to give 24v DC to output terminals to measure the analog output and then I switch it ON,

when I get on line I realized that the values above MI15 was not be saved and all of them was 0 (MI0 - MI15 was ok).

I saved new values on MI15 to MI100 and switched OFF and then ON my power supply, the problem is the same , zero values from MI15 and above.

I test my PLC like that for 3 times. I updated my PLC version to 3.90 biould 03 and the probem is still there.I mesaure the battery and the voltage is 3.06 V DC.


Do you know anything about my problem ?

Any ideas or sugestions are welcome.


Thank you in advance.

Best reqards












Hi Stavros,

It may help to ensure there are no power-up values assigned. Another key is to check to see if the RTC (real time clock) has been reset. If this is the case and it is resetting  you may wish to contact Support@Unitronics.com for further assistance.


In the download section, uncheck "Initialise Data Types excluding MI & MB 0 - 15 (M90) style" and check "Retain Values (Battery Back up"



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