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  • MVP 2023

Is there a table somewhere that lists exactly what firmware files are associated with each version of VisiLogic?


I have a clone file for a V1210 that was programmed with VisiLogic 9.4.0. When I try to load that file from the SD card into a V1210 that has had the firmware updated with VisiLogic 9.7.24, it just crashes. Will I be successful if I revert the V1210 to the firmware from 9.4.0?

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In this particular case what I have had to do to make everything work out is to fully upgrade the firmware on a PLC I have using Visilogics (whatever version).  Put an SSD card in the PLC, got to SD in info mode and then copy the "Firmware" (first button left column) and then you can email that file to someone if need be, or just install.


This is the only way to get a complete firmware upgrade to a field PLC just like you connected it directly to Visilogics.  The folder location may be different on the SD card (I have not needed to do this in about 2 years so I can not remember).


But with this file and a clone file I have never failed to be able to update anything in a hardware family regardless of its age.


Good Luck


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  • MVP 2023

Thanks, Walkerok. In this case, the PLC was already updated with new firmware and I was trying to install a clone file from an older PLC. That seemed to work okay in a V570, but crashed my V1210. I need to try it again to confirm it wasn't some other weird glitch.


It really would be useful to know what firmware versions are associated with each VisiLogic version.

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