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Receive sms messages


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we use vision and visologic for years now and want to move to unistream, but is it possible to receive sms messages with unilogic/stream?

I can't find any information regarding receiving sms messages, it looks like they can only send them out?


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Hi vema


Thanks for your inquiry. At the moment there is no direct way to receive SMS message on the PLC. This is on our to do list but it is not scheduled yet. If you need quick solution for receiving SMS, we have an example application that integrates modem using protocol/COM functions. The modem initialization , send SMS and receive SMS are implemented using protocol and AT commands. Attached is the application for Enfora modem. (please note that this application does not support PIN code and PDU SMS format.)

Modem Init UDFB and SMS Rcv UDFB Ver 2.zip

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