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Unilog Password protection


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Hi, I'm having a power related issue with my analog I/O, I'm trying to read the log from the PLC but when I uploaded it using "Unistream management -> Debug -> Upload Log" I got 4 files, 3 of them are .zip a(Unilog_Backup.zip, Unilog_fail.zip and Unilog_Tmp) and they are password protected, my project doesn't have any kind of password so it can't be a protection that I set before, is there an universal password for opening this zips?

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The log files are used for debugging by teh Unitronics R&D team for some extreme troubleshooting cases.  It is a password protection that is set by the R&D team.


Could you further explain what you mean by a "power related issue" with the analog I/O?  We may be able to help troubleshoot the issue by your explanation.   

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We have 4 analog I/O UIA0402N located on position 8,9,10 and 11, their 0-24V are all powered by the same power source, they were working fine but the electric technicians disconnected them to try and put two power sources in parallel, we have some kind of short circuit, and the power sources turned off, we reconnected everything as it was before and now the status led of all the analog I/O are fixed red and the I/O Status is 0000000010, we used an voltmeter to check and they have 24V in their power inputs. All of the other I/O modules are working fine the issue is isolated to the analog Modules.

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What is the amperage the power supplies support?  What else are you powering with these supplies and how much current does each device consume? 


Could something have burned out in the system or still be causing a short circuit?  Is it possible to see how much current the I/O cards are receiving? 


Also, what type of expansion adapter are you using?


The status you are reading, and the status LED, indicate the supply voltage is low or missing.  It may be that there is not enough power supplied to the I/O cards.

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The two power supplies are 240W DRP-240 24 V 10 A, I even tried connecting each of the I/O directly from each of the power supplies directly and I'm still getting the same behavior, I don't have the data from the current that is currently being supplied by each one, I can run that test in half an hour using an amperimeter, but It has to be less than 10A, they are only connected to 16 I/O Modules using a AUG-XKP125 and a Unistream USP-156-B10 PLC. I don't think the short circuit is still present since the rest of the system is running smoothly. It seems to me that there a low chances that the 4 of them burned out at the same time and the rest of the I/O didn't, what do you think?, although unlikely it is a possible scenario. Are the analog less protected than the digital and the High speed I/O?

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No, I don't believe the digital I/O modules are more protected than analog modules.  They should be equivalent. 


I do know the digital I/O cards require signifcantly less power to run, though.  An analog card will consume a maximum of 150mA to be powered, whereas a digital card requires about a fourth to a half of that power. 


Could it be possible you have a simple short in the system (not short to ground, which would cause fault) in the system that is consuming a lot of the current?  It is peculiar directly connecting only the I/O card to the supply results in teh same outcome, but completely possible it may have burnt out.  I would try a bench test with the analog card attached to the back of the panel (directly to the CPU) to be sure the results are the same, one by one.  If so, I would contact support@unitronics.com for further assistance.


Please let me know how this works for you.

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We solved the issue, we opened the analog I/O, it has 3 electronic boards, in the bottom one, next to the 24V in, it has a small component, it says F100, we tested continuity and as we expected from our previous conversation there was none, we blown the fuse when we made the short circuit, we tried with one first, we bypassed that fuse using a small copper wire, and when we turned the PLC on, it made the boot sequence correctly and the Status Led turned green, I checked the I/O status using Unilogic and it showed 0x00. thanks for the support it ultimately led us to figure out that it was a hardware issue(now that I think about it made this is in the wrong forum considering this is the software one haha). We are going to protect them placing fuses in the 24V in.

I took pictures to upload them here, in case someone else has a similar fault, but I don't know how to upload these into the forum.

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