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Of course, Thanks, s pratt you were very helpfull last time.


Finally I got all the states and more screens, etc.




Now I am improving, webserver and data table. But my question is about alarms, because I try my alarms one week ago and it worked right, but now I do not know where the error coming.


Thanks you

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Of course, Thanks, s pratt you were very helpfull last time.


Finally I got all the states and more screens, etc.




Now I am improving, webserver and data table. But my question is about alarms, because I try my alarms one week ago and it worked right, but now I do not know where the error coming.


Thanks you





Thank you for providing the application.


I believe the alarms are not popping up because the application is not seeing the positive transition.  I would try setting a bit (that is reset on power-up) on the positive transition of the 'alarm active notifier' to show the alarm.  Then reset the bit after the show alarm function block.  This may help the ladder to see the positive transition of the alarm.


MB20     MB

--|P|--   --(S)--


MB19     MB                                   MB

--|  |--    --|  |--  --[show Alarm]--  --( R )--


*where MB is an added bit to the program



Please let me know if this helps.

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I fix the alarms routine, the problem was an "or" ladder distribution.


Anyway I have a question, How to set up all values in all routines, for example, I have 6 screens, but the bits lose between transition of HMI, I know that it is about routines, but I try to set up subroutines, but idle state come to my PLC.



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I fix the alarms routine, the problem was an "or" ladder distribution.


Anyway I have a question, How to set up all values in all routines, for example, I have 6 screens, but the bits lose between transition of HMI, I know that it is about routines, but I try to set up subroutines, but idle state come to my PLC.






Glad to hear you got the alarms working!


I am not sure I understand your next issue.  What do you mean by 'set up values in all routines'?  Which bits are you looking at specifically?  And could you explain the state of the bits versus what they should be through your process, step by step.

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Here is the Flowchart which I want to improve in the subroutines and HMI.




For example, I will explain what is happeing with my currently program.


  1. PLC Switch ON then
  2. Ethernet module ON and HMI Fuel Transfer ON then
  3. HMI Fuel Transfer Switch ON -->load Subroutine Fuel Transfer-->Inside this subroutine Alarms Subroutine is loaded.
  4. Then all HMI jump with bottons and each one load Alarm subroutine and the subroutine for each HMI

The problem: I lose MB, MI valuse when I jump between screens.


My knowledge in unitronics come from 1 month ago, I am improving almost functions but I still have problems with routines I do not know how the Unitronics' PLC works.


Thank you

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Which MI and MB values are you losing?  What do you mean by 'losing' (the values go to '0')?


You should not be losing any values - they should be remaining constant.  The only way the values would change is if you store something else into them upon a screen change.


Please specify what values you are losing and what they are changing to so I may narrow the search in your program.

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Hi S pratt,


I did not lose any bit now, I doble checked the ladder, and I solved, I only have a question about HMI jumps, for example in my program I have this sections:


  1. Diesel Fuel & Transfer System
  2. Generators
  3. Water Tank

Each one is one HMI, but all of them are important, so the PLC reads all the values or only read the values of the currently routine. Because for example the main HMI is Diesel Fuel & Transfer System, but if this HMI is displaying and there is a problem in Water plant the problem come up even if I do not call Water plant subroutine?



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Hi S pratt,


I did not lose any bit now, I doble checked the ladder, and I solved, I only have a question about HMI jumps, for example in my program I have this sections:


  1. Diesel Fuel & Transfer System
  2. Generators
  3. Water Tank

Each one is one HMI, but all of them are important, so the PLC reads all the values or only read the values of the currently routine. Because for example the main HMI is Diesel Fuel & Transfer System, but if this HMI is displaying and there is a problem in Water plant the problem come up even if I do not call Water plant subroutine?






Please group your alarms according to your HMI screens.  This will allow you to have a "PAUSE" bit for the group.  When the screen is not displayed, pause the alarm, and you will not see the Water Plant problem appear when the Diesel Fuel & Transfer System is displayed. 


Hope this helps.

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Hello, S pratt,


No, I do not want that, I want the opposite case, all routines ON, then if there is any alarm in anysection (Water plant, Tank Plant, Generators plant), the alarm come up.


My question is if all MB, MI, O, I are activate even their routine is not called.


Thank you,

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Hello, S pratt,


No, I do not want that, I want the opposite case, all routines ON, then if there is any alarm in anysection (Water plant, Tank Plant, Generators plant), the alarm come up.


My question is if all MB, MI, O, I are activate even their routine is not called.


Thank you,


The Alarms are always running.  So if the operands related to the alarm go into an "alarm condition" then you should see the alarm "pop-up".


However, if the ladder for the alarm to show is in a subroutine that is not being called, the ladder will not be processed.  Therefore, you would not see the alarm.


I would suggest putting all ladder related to alarms into a subroutine that will always be called.  This way, the alarms ladder is continually processed, and if there is an alarm condition anywhere, you will see it display.


Hope this helps.

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The "Verfiy" function will compare the current project in your PLC to the project open in VisiLogic.  It will then report the differences and similarities between the two projects.  The 'X' notes a difference in the compared projects.


Do you lose communication with the PLC after this process?  It seems you do have communciations if you are able to verify the project in the PLC.  Is this not correct?

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S. Pratt I think is the cable, I will change for other one.


Anyway, I realise that there is a option in "info mode" to change the ip address, if I change this numbers to the same local network that my computer and I will connect could I communicate with the PLC with out init any protocol in the PLC?



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