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USB Infinite Reboot - Windows 7


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I am/was completely new to Unitronics hardware, and thereby UniStream by default LOL, until of 9:00am this morning, so please do not assume any level of knowledge specific to the device.


My apologies for the overly specific sequence of events to follow, but I need help and do not wish to loiter on how exactly things came to pass.



Unboxed HMI Panel (USP-070-B10), CPU (USC-P-B10), and DIO Module (UIS-WCB1)

Removed battery slip from CPU

Removed Bus Connector Cover from CPU

Attached CPU to HMI Panel

Attached DIO Module to HMI Panel

Slid DIO Module's Bus Connector Lock to the left into CPU

Connected 24VDC Supply to HMI Panel

Installed UniLogic

Opened UniLogic

Connected USB cable from (Corporate) HP EliteBook 8770w (running Windows 7.3 64bit) USB to HMI Panel

*Windows installer opened*

*Windows installer failed*

*HMI Panel Rebooted*

*HMI Panel Rebooted*

*HMI Panel Rebooted*

*HMI Panel Rebooted*


*HMI Panel Rebooted*

Disconnected USB cable from computer

*HMI Panel booted to Demo*

(repeated process 3 times)

Unplugged 24VDC connector

Exited UniLogic

Force closed "Unitronics.Notifier.exe" via Windows Task Manager

Plugged in 24VDC connector

*HMI Panel booted to Demo*

Opened UniLogic

Connected USB from computer to HMI

*HMI Panel Rebooted*

*HMI Panel Rebooted*

*HMI Panel Rebooted*

*HMI Panel Rebooted*


*HMI Panel Rebooted*

Disconnected USB cable from computer

*HMI Panel booted to Demo*



Can anyone offer me help here to get this to connect via USB?



Thank you,


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The issue sounds like Windows is not recognizing the hardware and not applying the driver correctly. Are you able to connect using an Ethernet connection? The panel has a default IP address of, though this can be changed in Network settings in UniApps by pressing and holding the top right corner of the UniStream's HMI.


Please try the following steps to see if this resolves your issue.


·         Power OFF the PLC

·         Close UniLogic

·         Unplug the USB cable

·         Make sure the PC is grounded (power supply for notebook)

·         Power ON the PLC

·         When you see the "initializing" green spin logo, plug the USB cable

·         After the PLC finished to Boot up,  Open Windows CMD > ping and see if you have a reply from the PLC

·         Open UniLogic and try to download a project.

·         If needed, In the discovery window click on the "Refresh" link few times 


If this does not solve your issue please send an email to support@unitronics.com

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