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excel import data

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Hello to all.


My name is George. I am using V280. I have successfuly done almost all things that are possible with v280 to many different projects. Usually before i post i search arount forum so that i found solutions from other users. These time no succes.

So my problem, is how to import cell values from .xls file. And that is a project i have now.

I use dataxport so i can export all the table to an excel file. Someone in the office of the company want to change these values from his pc and upload them to the v280.

I havent still find a way to do that. Can someone advise me?



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  • MVP 2023

Look at the UniDDE product.  You can put macros into a spreadsheet that will write values directly from the spreadsheet to Unitronics.


Also look at UniOPC, which has more power but you have to set it up as an OPC server on the user's computer.  You'll have to then interface that via OLE to Excel.


Joe T.

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