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Unable to opening project made with an other PC


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Hello everyone,


I have some trouble when I try to open a existing project in unilogic :


My collegue made the .ulpr with his computer, and when I'm opening it with my PC, the loading symbol appear for about 1/2 second then disappear, and there is nothing, neither error message nor "recent project".



I saw in the forum a similar problem due to SQL but in this case, the person tryed to opening the project on the same PC where the project was made.


I have nevertheless unistalled unilogic and all SQL server from my computer, then re-installed Unilogic (he automatically installed SQL 2012) but the problem persist.



To sum up :


-> Unable to opening project made from an other computer (loading symbol appear for 1/2 second then nothing)

-> Unilogic 1.17.73

-> Windows 10 (UAC desactivated)

-> SQL server 2012 local DB installed by Unilogic



Moreover, I don't know if it's helpful but in the log "UNHANDLED_EXCEPTIONS.txt" I have the message


"13:21:22.5854 5552 Info MainWindow.MainWindow_Activated => MainViewModel.StartClient Trying to connect to notifier... try no. 0"


Thank you so much by advance,




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Thank you for your answer.I have contacted french support in parallel of the forum and this is our first conclusion, maybe it will be useful for someone with the same problem.


The problem comes from SQL version of my collegue's computer : he can open his own projects but I can't on mine.


I have sent the project to unitronics support, they re-sent me a modified version which I can open with my PC. My collegue had also opened it, save it and after that I was unable to open it again.


We have concluded that the problem came from SQL, on his computer he has 2004,2005,2012,2014 and "compact" versions whereas I've got only 2012 version.


I don't know the difficulty/possibility for make compatible all SQL versions but it could be a improvement for Unilogic.




Finally, I apologize for my english grammar.


Thank you again,

Best Regards,


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Ok, this is what I have suspected. I've fixed that project last week.

I've specifically told the support that an SQL Delete has been performed on his SQL Instance, and afterwards the UniLogic instance was created without specifying 11.0 as the version.


As a result, the UniLogic instance was created on the SQL 2014 server, and therefore any project saved on that computer results a Database upgraded to SQL 2014.



It doesn't matter that he has SQL 2014 on his computer. UniLogic can still work fine with it, as long as the instance was created on SQL 2012.


For example:

SqlLocalDB create UniLogic   --> Wrong - Will create the instance on the last installed version of SQL version.

SqlLocalDB create UniLogic 11.0 --> Good - will create the instance on the SQL 2012 version (assuming it is installed, else it will show an error that this version is not installed).



Your college should be instructed to delete his instance and create a new one. The steps are as follows (Note, any crashed project that is waiting for recovery will be lost in this process):


* Close UniLogic

* Close the Unitronics.Notifier

* Start the Command Prompt as Administrator

* In the Command Prompt write:


sqllocaldb stop unilogic

sqllocaldb delete unilogic

sqllocaldc create unilogic 11.0



* In your Windows Explorer, go to: %ProgramData%\Unitronics\UniLogic\Temp\

* You should find a folder named with the username. Delete all the files in it, if any (There would be *.ldf and *.mdf files)




From now on, the projects will be saved and opened on the SQL 2012 server instance.




As a big note: Any project that your college worked on would not open on his computer any more (Microsoft does not forward-compatible with DB versions).

The workaround on this issue is using the "Save As XP" for all the relevant projects, prior the deletion of the 2014 instance.

By "saving as XP", the DB is being converted to a Script (it takes much longer time to save, and open Scripts), so it can be imported back to a 2012 version (and even to 2008 version).

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