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Brand new V350-J-TR6, straight out of the box, hotted up, a fresh install (yesterday) of Visilogic 9.8.31 on Windows 7 Pro. 


I went to the Start-up Display, added a piece of text and then tried to add a Numeric object and Visilogic crashed. 


The "UnHmPge2" message is


"Run-time error '372':  Failed to load control 'ActiveBar3 from ActBar3.ocx.  Your version of 'Actbar3.ocx may be outdated.  Make sure you are using the version of the control that was provided with your application". 


Searching shows that this was reported as a problem way back in 2008 on Linux. 


I DO have Unilogic installed as well.  Please don't tell me that THAT might be a problem.


If anyone has any ideas, I'd appreciate it.  I'm literally dead in the water 15 minutes into a brand new project.


Image attached of the error message.



Fred Mason

Roberts Creek, BC Canada






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It is not related to UniLogic.



I assume that you have a 64 Bit version of Windows 7, which in that case, the ActBar3.ocx should be found at:




Please search for that file. It should be dated from November 1st 2007, and if you check the properties of that file, you should see under the Details tab that the file version is

If you have a different version of that file then please tell me.



Furthermore, Microsoft has some suggestions about this problem:


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