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V350 using GSM modem and ethernet card

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Hello, I use the Unitronics V350-35-T38, where port 1 is RS232 and port 2 is the ethernet card. When I had setup GSM modem on the port 1 and I had tried to download the program to the PLC I had got a message that I had to change the firmware (OS) in the PLC to the version which support ProfiBus and dial function. So I did that, but then the ethernet card was unavaible. I need both - GSM modem and ethernet card. I tried this in the latest version of Visilogic. Then I tried 9.6 version of Visilogic because in the past we used both and we used this version. I do not know why now it is not possible. Could you help me? Thank you in advance.

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