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Variable on Display - M-91

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Hi, I have a problem.

I have a few variable on display, but they are alignment from right to left. And when VR1 is low there are three empty place. Is there any way to change it?

Now I have something like this:

M: ####S: ###

And when V1 and V2 is big this is look like this:


But when this small:

M:   3S:   2.

This is possible change it to:

M:3      S:2


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  • MVP 2023

On the left side, right in the middle of the Numeric Variable setup is a drop-down called "Leading:". There you'll find 3 selections: Leading zeroes. leading spaces, no leading. Try changing to "No Leading" and "Text Alignment" (far right, near the bottom) to "Center Left".

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