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UniCAN between Unistream & Vision PLC's


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Hey all,

Can someone point me in the right direction how to make a Unistream PLC send/receive more than 64 bytes in one scan cycle from/to a Vision Standard PLC (eg. V120-22-T2C)?


- V120 equipped with 24 Analog In & 12 Analog OUT

- 7" Unistream PLC without I/O

- Both connected through UniCAN


I know a Vision PLC is able to send/receive up to 512 MI's in one PLC scan cycle through UniCAN. And has no problem sending/receiving multiple messages to/from the same Node ID or multiple Node ID's.

In my setup, I want to receive the status of the I/O of the V120 along with some other variables into the Unistream PLC. 24 analog inputs & 12 analog outputs already sums to a total of 36 MI's or 72 bytes to pass to the Unistream.

But the Unilogic software gives me only the possibility to create just 1 configuration per Node ID and the tags for receiving/sending  can only be as large as 64 bytes. Otherwise, a compile error will occur..

What is the preferred, correct way to accomplish this in the Unistream without having to use a EX-RC1?









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You can do it as following:

when sending data from UniStream you determine in your logic that the first integer will be message number.

Each time you wish to send diferent data change the message number.

Then when vision receives the data, check the value of the first integer and copy it to the right location.

For example you wish to send 124 bytes:

prepare 2 vectors of 62 each.

When you wish to send the first 62 bytes set the first integer to 1 and copy it to the vector you defined in UniCAN node.

Then when the vision receive the data check the integer value and copy it to the right vector.

When you wish to send the next 62 bytes set the first integer to 2 and copy it to the vector you defined in UniCAN node.




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