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"Store DTI to File" creates Multiple Files

Guest OREILLEJ2899

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Guest OREILLEJ2899

Why does the "Store to DTI File" function create multiple files when I set "F" Parameter to #1 (Create CSV file). I expected just a CSV file, but it created a "*.UDTF", "*.CSV", and a "*.CSV.ZIP" on the SD card too?  I would prefer the program only to save the DT to "*.CSV file".

DTI Infolog Sub.pdf

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You are correct.

When saving Data table to file and parameter F is selected it will generate 3 files:

1. UDTF - This is data table format of Unitronics. You can use this file later when you wish to load the data back to the PLC.

2. CSV.zip and CSV - At start we had only CSV.zip since we wish to compress the file to save storage but then we got requests to have a CSV not zipped. (some smartphone could not open zip that was sent by mail).

Anyway I believe you should not have any issues of space in the SD card.

BTW you can use File Operation - Delete file to remove files.

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