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UNIOPC and KepServerEx for Vision V1040


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Hi i want to connect vision V1040 to Uniformance PHD by using uni opc. but can't do that.

when i start uniopc, i see on error window runtime error 70 permission denied.

i want to try by kepserverex, can you explain me how can i configure kepserverex and plc side?

Best regards.



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Yes. UniOPC set to "Run as Administrator" but it doesn't work with honeywell UNIFORMANCE PHD SERVER.

I don't want use UniOPC, I want to use   kepserverex, because kepserverex already runing with honeywell UNIFORMANCE PHD SERVER.

can you explain me how can i configure kepserverex and unitronics plc side?

Best regards.

Edited by SERTAN
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