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good morning
i need to write a row in a temporary table in the ram memory this table contains one row and 12 columns, the first one is a long integer entred and the second is a string, both are entered with the keybord of the plc and the rest are integer with 100 velues in each cell and those are mesurment of voltage from the analog input one mesurment every 0.1 seconds during 100 seconds and i want those mesurments to be triggered by a button. once finished it has to coppy that row to a bigger table with the same columns but lets say 1000 rows in the sd cardso i can later use that informations to feed the analog output with the same voltage mesured with the same amount of time 0.1s until the first zero . 
i want all that to be controlled from the plc the writing and the copying and the search of the row later .
is that possible and if yes, is there any exemple that might help me.
thank you.

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